

[快訊] 日本最新榜單出爐,本週美雪有三張唱片上榜


根據日本ORICON的最新榜單顯示,中島美雪有三張唱片擠進本週的專輯榜。剛發行的唱片「Singles」和「歌縁-中島みゆき RESPECT LIVE 2023」都是首次進榜,分別佔據排行榜的第6名和第22名。去年(2023年)3月發行的專輯「世界が違って見える日」(世界看起來不同的日子)也從第279名上升到第23名。



According to ORICON, Miyuki Nakajima has 3 albums on the album chart this week. The new released albums "Singles" and "UTAENISHI - MIYUKI NAKAJIMA RESPECT LIVE 2023" entered the chart for the 1st time, and ranked 6th and 22nd respectively. The album "The day the world looks different" (世界が違って見える日), which was released in March last year, also rose from 279th to 23rd.

"Singles" is a compilation album which contains singles from past years and was originally released in 1987. The album was re-released as a high-quality version this year and well received. "UTAENISHI" is a live album. It's a live recording from a tribute concert to Nakajima in 2023. 

It's surprising to see the album "The day the world looks different" back to the top 30. Currently Nakajima is holding a concert. Maybe that's what boosted record sales.

參考資料 / References:

  1.  ORICON NEWS - 週間アルバムランキング(2024年01月29日付)
  2.  明年初美雪三唱片齊發:Singles《高音質版》、歌緣 Respect Live 2023、世界が違って見える日《黑膠版》 

