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中島美雪即將推出全新創作專輯。(圖片來源:YAMAHA MUSIC COMMUNICATIONS) |
這張專輯收錄了熱門日劇「PICU 兒童加護病房」(PICU 小児集中治療室)的主題曲「倶に」(一起)。另外還把寫給工藤靜香的「島より」(由此島嶼)和寫給KUMIKO(クミコ)的「十年」拿回來唱,都是耐聽的抒情歌。此外,「体温」(體溫)這首歌還邀請到「日本流行樂之父」吉田拓郎擔任吉他伴奏和和聲。因為吉田拓郎在去年宣佈引退,兩人此次的合作格外引人注目。
Miyuki Nakajima announced a big news at the beginning of the new year. That is, she is going to release her new album very soon. The new album "The day the world looks different / 世界が違って見える日" is her 44th original album after 3-year hiatus and will be released on March 1.
The album cover is monochromatic. Miyuki stands in the darkness with white balloons in her hand. The title of the album is red and placed at the bottom of the cover. The album seems to reflect the current situation. It has been 3 years since the outbreak of the Covid and the world looks different now.
"As One / 俱に", the theme song of the TV drama "PICU" (PICU 小児集中治療室), is included in this album. Another 2 ballad songs are "From the island /島より" and "A Decade / 十年", which are originally written for Shizuka Kudo (工藤静香) and KUMIKO (クミコ) respectively. Besides that, the song "The Warmth of You / 体温" features guitar and chorus by Takuro Yoshida (吉田拓郎), who is regarded as the founder of J-pop. Since Yoshida retired from his music career last year, their collaboration have drawn a lot of attention.
新專輯曲目 / Song list:
- 倶(とも)に ※ 日劇「PICU 兒童加護病房」主題曲
- 島より ※ 寫給工藤靜香的歌曲
- 十年 ※寫給KUMIKO的歌曲
- 乱世(らんせ)
- 体温 ※ 吉田拓郎擔任吉他伴奏及和聲
- 童話
- 噤(つぐみ)
- 心月(つき)
- 天女の話
- 夢の京(みやこ)