

[快訊] 日本天皇一家也去看了「小孤島大醫生」電影版




According to Japanese media, Japanese emperor, empress and princess Aiko attended to a charity screening of the film "Doctor Kotoo's clinic" (Dr.コトー診療所) in Tokyo yesterday. The royal family watched the film and exchanged views with the film's director and main actors. The emperor also mentioned the film score produced by Ryo Yoshimata (吉俣良) and the theme song sung by Miyuki Nakajima.

"Doctor Kotoo's clinic" is a 2003 Japanese TV drama. It depicts the story of a doctor practicing medicine on an outlying island. The drama was popular so the theme song "A Ride On The Gentle Luminous Dragon" (銀の龍の背に乗って) became a hit then. The song has a Chinese cover "Initial dream" (最初的夢想) sung by Christine Fan (范瑋琪). A movie version of the drama is released this year and the theme song is used again.

Since its release on December 16, the film has grossed over 1.1 billion Japanese yen and has been seen by more than 830,000 people.

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