

[快訊] 中島美雪演唱會19日東京開唱,台灣、中國歌迷也在場









Miyuki Nakajima's concert began in Tokyo on January 19th. There were 5000 people in the concert.

At the beginning of the concert, Nakajima greeted the audience, "Long time no see. I am Miyuki Nakajima. Finally we meet each other." She sangs 19 songs including "As One / 俱に", "A Ride On The Gentle Luminous Dragon / 銀の龍の背に乗って", and "In the Core of My Heart / 心音" on the stage. The Japanese media praised her for amazing singing, and can not believe that she is already 71 years old.

According to the released photos, Nakajima wore glasses on the stage. She is nearsighted but tended not to wear glasses before while performing. She also prepared songs from "Yakai concert". She had a quick costume change show when the stage scenery changed.

As usual, Nakajima read out the messages from the audience on the stage, including messages from a high school student returning from Italy, a junior high student who has been a fan for 4 years, and a fan from Taiwan. According the Japanese media, the Taiwanese fan expressed his wish in the message that Nakajima can hold a concert in Taiwan.

Fans from China are not absent this year. They carried a red banner outside the venue with words "Support from Nakajima's Chinese fans".

The concert will be held in Tokyo and Osaka, with a total of 16 performances. It's expected to attract 65,000 people.

In addition, the merchandise for the concert are for sale online, including posters, booklets, key rings, etc. However, the "Diva Country Passport" is only available at the concert. In order to become a citizen of "Diva Country", you have to go to Japan and visit the concert.

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