

[快訊] 2023年東京國際音響展YAMAHA用自家頂級設備播放美雪歌曲

2023年東京國際音響展(Tokyo International Audio Show)在11月3日至5日舉行,音響大廠YAMAHA(山葉)今年也有參展。他們在自家攤位上展示了串流音樂播放機「R-N2000A」和落地喇叭「NS-2000A」等音響設備。


之後在大阪的「Audio Session」音響展(11月18日至11月19日),YAMAHA也會參展,同樣也會在該次展覽中使用自家設備播放中島美雪的歌曲。

"Tokyo International Audio Show 2023" was held from November 3 to November 5. This year, YAMAHA displayed their audio equipment like streaming music player "R-N2000A" and floorstanding speaker "NS-2000A" at their booth.

YAMAHA also invited famous musician Ichizo Seo (瀬尾一三) to attend their event. He revealed the untold stories about his arrangement and recording work for Miyuki Nakajima. At the same time, selected songs from Nakajima were played through YAMAHA's top equipment  "Flagship 5000 series", including the vinyl version of Nakajima's album "世界が違って見える日". This vinyl record will be released on January 17, 2024.

Later, YAMAHA will participate in the "Audio Session" in Osaka from November 18 to  November 19. They will use their equipment to play Miyuki's songs again.

在東京國際音響展所播放的美雪試聽曲目 / Miyuki's songs played in the Tokyo's event:

  1. 心音(來自「愛麗絲與特雷斯的虛幻工廠」PV)
  2. 空と君のあいだに(來自精選集「ここにいるよ」)
  3. (來自精選集「ここにいるよ」)
  4. 夢の京(來自專輯『世界が違って見える日』黑膠版)
  5. ヘッドライト・テールライト(來自『中島みゆき「縁会」2012~3』DVD / Blu-ray)
消息來源 / Sources:

