

[快訊] 2023年「中島美雪介紹會」11月25日在台北




"Introduction to Miyuki Nakajima" is about to start again. It will be held in Taipei on November 25. Now it's open for registration.

The event is hosted by Ruiwen(瑞文), an enthusiast for Miyuki Nakajima. It's an event to introduce the Japanese singer Miyuki Nakajima and mainly held in Taipei and Taichung. In this event, Ruiwen will introduce songs from Nakajima and prepare videos with Chinese subtitles. The audiences will have visual and auditory enjoyment during the event.

The event was just finished in Taichung in September and received good responses. This year in Taipei, the theme of the event is "Beauty". Let's wait and see what content Ruiwen will bring to us.

報名相關資訊 / Registration details:

  • 報名網址 / Registration:由此去
  • 時間 / Time:11月25日下午5點進場,5點20分開始
  • 地點 / Place:Duo Space 北市大安路一段84巷2號3樓(忠孝復興站14號出口過馬路走1分鐘可到)
  • 費用 / Fee:120元
消息來源 / Sources:

