

[快訊] NHK招牌節目「Project X~挑戰者們~」睽違18年後重啟,2024年4月播出

NHK日前宣佈,18年前的人氣紀錄片節目「Project X~挑戰者們~」(プロジェクトX~挑戦者たち~,台譯:超越極限)將在明年四月推出新作。



NHK會長稻葉延雄表示,全新系列的「Project X」將會聚焦在日本泡沫經濟破滅後的失落年代,介紹這個時代不為人知的挑戰者們。


NHK announced that they will relaunch "Project X ~ Challengers~", a popular documentary TV program from 18 years ago. The new series of the program will be aired in April next year. 

The program was broadcast from 2000 to 2005, mainly about post-war revival and unknown heroes behind the high-speed economic development. The program received a good response in Japan. It was translated into various languages and broadcast in 30 countries around the world.

"Earthly Stars / 地上の星", the theme song of the program, is written and sung by Miyuki Nakajima.  "Earthly Stars" refer to the unknown heroes who support the society silently. The song implies that people ignore the "Earthly Stars" around themselves and look up to the stars in the sky. The song became a phenomenon and had stayed on the chart for three and a half years. Due to the popularity of the song, Nakajima participated in the "Red and White Song Battle" for the 1st time in 2002. 

NHK president Nobuo Inaba (稲葉延雄) said that the new series of "Project X" will focus on the lost era after the Japanese bubble economy burst. And more unknown challengers from this era will be introduced.

As for the theme song, the program team said that it's still under discussion although the song "Earthly Stars" has a strong connection with the program.

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