因為日本家庭有錄製電視節目的需求,Sony一直以來都有製造可燒錄的藍光光碟片。不過隨著需求減少,業務持續虧損,Sony決定於二月結束停止生產藍光光碟,另外MiniDisc、MD Data和 miniDV等儲存媒體也都一併停產。
Sony produces recordable blank Blu-ray discs because the Japanese home users have the need to record TV programs. However, Sony decides to stop producing Blu-ray discs in Fabruary because of losing demands and profit, along with MiniDisc, MD Data and miniDV.
The above policy only applies to home users. Business customers are not affected because the Japanese market still has demands for physical media and game disks.
Blu-ray is the successor to DVD and well known for its large capacity and high video quality. It became popular when it was supported by the PS3 game console. However, with the rise of streaming services, sales of physical media products have declined. Another company Panasonic also stopped producing recordable Blu-ray discs in 2023. In addition, Samsung, Sony and LG have stopped producing Blu-ray players. Many users admitted that this is the end of an era.
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