

[快訊] 日本高中書道比賽,今年冠軍學校使用中島美雪名曲

「書道表演甲子園」(書道パフォーマンス甲子園)是日本的一項高中書法比賽,每年七、八月在愛媛縣的四國中央市舉行,四國中央市以造紙業聞名。該比賽經由媒體報導後,逐漸在日本受到注目,2010年的電影「書法女孩:舞動甲子園」(書道ガールズ!! わたしたちの甲子園)即是以此比賽為背景。


今年比賽的冠軍是鳥取成北高校,他們一邊唱著中島美雪的名曲「ファイト!」(FIGHT !),一邊完成書法作品。在他們的作品中,中央處寫著紅色巨大的「戰鬥」(闘え)字樣。這是該校首次在這項比賽奪冠。

"Calligraphy Performance Contest" (書道パフォーマンス甲子園) is a calligraphy competition among high schools in Japan. The competition is held in Shikokuchūō City of Ehime Prefecture every July and August. The city is well-known for its papermaking industry. The competition gains more attention after the media reported this event. The 2010 film "Shodo Girls" (書道ガールズ!! わたしたちの甲子園) is based on the competition.

Each school sends up to 12 people as a team to participate in this competition. Each team has to complete a calligraphy work on a huge paper that is 6 meters long and 4 meters wide within 6 minutes with singing or dancing. The judges will give an overall score based on the beauty of the calligraphy and presentation of the performance.

This year's champion is Tottori Jōhoku High School (鳥取城北高校). They completed their work while singing the song "FIGHT ! / ファイト!", a song from Miyuki Nakajima. A huge and red word "FIGHT" was written in the center of their work. This is the 1st time the school has won the competition.

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