該片由傑斯尼偶像團體Hey! Say! JUMP的山田涼介領銜主演,主題曲則採用中島美雪的名曲「時代」,用來映襯片中所描述的人情羈絆。男主角山田涼介表示,以〈時代〉作為本片主題曲再適合不過!「溫暖的歌詞與故事本身真的產生了連結!中島小姐的這首〈時代〉與這部電影,將一同開啟新的篇章。」
"House of Memory" (記憶屋), a Japanese movie adapted from a best-selling novel, will be released in Taiwan on March 27. The movie tells a story that a man lost contact with his girl friend after she accepted his proposal. After many days, they meet again but he discovered that his girl friend had lost all the memories related to him. And this seems to be related to the legend of "memory messenger" ...
The movie is starring Ryosuke Yamada (山田涼介), a member of idol group "Hey! Say! JUMP" , and the theme song of the movie is "Time goes around / Jidai" (時代), a famous song from Miyuki Nakajima (中島みゆき). They use the song to reflect the emotional bond described in the movie. The leading actor Ryosuke Yamada said that the song is just perfect for this film. "The warm lyrics really connect with the story itself! The song and the movie will open a new chapter together.", he said.
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