※ 2/26大阪場退費資訊,請看此。
※ For those who want to get a refund for the concert held in Osaka on Feb. 26, see this for more details.
Miyuki Nakajima's official website announced that the 4 concerts held in Osaka and Aichi on Feb. 28 & 29, March 9 &10 will be suspended, due to the outbreak of coronavirus in Japan. The organizer is still considering to cancel or delay the above concerts. Therefore please keep your ticket with the stub.
For those concerts not concealed yet, you can get a refund if you have the ticket but don't want to attend the concert. The details of refund will be announced on the official website at 12:00 on March 2.
People who want to refund must keep their tickets with the stub, and those who want to attend the concert must take care of their health. If you don't feel well before the concert begins, you may cancel your plan for the concert.
The organizer will decide whether to suspend the concert in the future based on the epidemic situation. And the decision will be announced on the official website as well.
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