In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan, Miyuki Nakajima canceled four concerts held in Osaka and Aichi. Whether to reschedule the above concerts or refund the fees is still under consideration, but the organizer will work towards the reperformance.
As for the concert held in Osaka on February 26, audiences who had planned to attend but were unable to do due to the epidemic situation can apply for a refund for their loss.
For those who want to get a refund for the concert held on February 26, they must return the unused tickets and related materials to the address specified by the organizer via "Acceptance-recorded mail"(特定記録郵便) before March 16. One month after the deadline, you will receive a "Post Office Payment Certificate" (振替払出証書). Then you can bring this certificate to any post office in Japan to get your refund.
Please refer to the official website for refund details.
Time to apply for a refund: March 2 to March 16, 2020
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