

[快訊] 「2024中島美雪介紹會-台中場」開放報名,該活動免費



"Introduction to Miyuki Nakajima 2024 in Taichung" is open for registration. This event is free of charge. Due to its popularity and limited space, it's better to rigister as soon as possible. 

The event is hosted by Ruiwen(瑞文), an enthusiast for Miyuki Nakajima. It's an event to introduce the Japanese singer Miyuki Nakajima and mainly held in Taichung and Taipei annually. Because Ruiwen always prerpares different content each time, the event recieves good response from the audiences. This year, Ruiwen will introduce Nakajima's songs about the people at the bottom of society.  

報名相關資訊 / Registration details:

  • 報名網址 / Registration:由此去
  • 時間 / Time:9月29日下午1點45分入場,
  • 地點 / Place:思默好時餐廳B1“好事空間”(台中市南屯區大墩六街208號B1)
  • 費用 / Fee:免費 / Free of charge

消息來源 / Sources:

