

[快訊] 日本爵士酒吧「LADY JANE」將於明春歇業,中島美雪曾為其寫歌

位於日本東京下北澤的爵士酒吧「LADY JANE」,於1975年開業,是當地具代表性的店家之一。由於當地文化風氣盛行,該店也成為文化人聚會的場所。

例如名演員松田優作、導演竹中直人,以及攝影家荒木經惟都曾是座上客。中島美雪也寫了一首歌曲「LADY JANE」獻給這家店,收錄在她2015年的專輯「組曲」當中。

不過下北澤目前正在進行城市重建計畫,隨著市容的改變,老店也一一消失。由於目前的店面無法續約,「LADY JANE」的老闆決定在明年結束營業,明年也是該店開業的五十週年。

"LADY JANE" is a jazz bar located in Shimokitazawa of Tokyo, Japan. The store was open in 1975, one of local symbolic stores. Due to the cultural atmosphere in this area, the store is a gathering plcae for cultural circles.

For example, actor Yusaku Matsuda (松田優作), director Naoto Takenaka (竹中直人), and photopgrapher Nobuyoshi Araki (荒木経惟) were all guests. Miyuki Nakajima also wrote a song "LADY JANE" to this store. The song is included in her 2015's album "Suite".

However, this area is undergoing an urban reconstruction project. As the city changes, old stores are disappearing one by one. Because the store contract cannot be renewed, the onwer of "LADY JANE" decides to close the store next year, which will be the 50th anniversary of the store.

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