

[快訊] 中島美雪今年被東京台東區表揚



The Taito District in Tokyo of Japan honors outstanding artists every year. This time, 5 artists from various fields will be honored, and Miyuki Nakajima is one of them.

There will be a ceremony for the artists on March 16, and the boards with their handprints and signatures will be displayed at the "Orange Street" (オレンジ通り) in Asakusa, Tokyo, just in front of the "Asakusa Public Hall" (浅草公会堂). Because Asakusa is a tourist attraction, you may visit the famous "Sensō-ji" (浅草寺) and see the handprint and signature left by Nakajima.

今次受到表揚的藝人名單如下 / The artists to be honored :

  1. 大竹しのぶ(大竹忍) Shinobu Otake【演員 / Actress】
  2. 三遊亭好楽 Sanyuutei Kouraku【落語家 / Rakugo artist】
  3. 中島みゆき(中島美雪) Miyuki Nakajima【創作歌手 / Singer and song writer】
  4. 五代目 中村雀右衛門 Nakamura Jakuemon V【歌舞伎俳優 / Kabuki artist】
  5. 三代目 林家正楽 Hayashiya Shoraku III【紙切藝人 /Papercutting artist 】
消息來源 / Source:

