此次活動以「I Will Always Love You」為主題,據說會介紹著名的音樂人,以及大量的華語翻唱曲。另外屬於美雪深度文化的「夜會」也會介紹。
Ruiwen (瑞文), an enthusiast for Miyuki Nakajima, is going to have an event in Taichung to introduce Nakajima. The event will be held on September 10 and it's totally free of charge. A pre-registration is required.
The theme of the event is "I Will Always Love You". Ruiwen will introduce famous musicians and Chinese covers of Nakajima's songs. In addition, Nakajima's YAKAI concert will be covered as well.
The event have been run for many years. During the event, not only Nakajima's songs but also the background of the songs are presented. Music videos with Chinese subtitle are also made. I used to participate in this event many years ago. It's very nice and that's why I recommend it to you.
- 報名網址 / Registration:由此去
- 時間 / Time:9月10日下午2點15分入場
- 地點 / Place:台中思默好時餐廳地下1樓 (南屯區大墩六街208號)
- 費用 / Fee:免費參加 / Free
消息來源 / Sources: