

[快訊] 柴崎幸將在「FNS歌謠祭」演唱美雪名曲



FNS Music Festival (FNS歌謡祭) is an annual mega music show produced by Japan's Fuji TV. Many famous Japanese singers will appear in this show. Recently the show announced the performers for this year. Ko Shibasaki (柴咲コウ), a Japanese actress and singer, is one of them. She will appear on the 1st day's show on December 7 and sing the song "A Ride On The Gentle Luminous Dragon / 銀の龍の背に乗って", a hit from Miyuki Nakajima.

The song is the theme song of the TV drama  "Doctor Kotoo's clinic / Dr.コトー診療所" and Shibasaki is the leading actress. Nakajima also wrote the song "Kiss Old Memories Goodbye / 思い出だけではつらすぎる" to Shibasaki, which was used as an interlude song in the drama. The movie version of the drama will be released on December 16 and the original cast will return. The theme song sung by Nakajima is also used for the movie.

消息來源 / Sources:

  1. 2022 FNS Music Festival
  2. 『2022FNS歌謡祭』第2弾出演者にTravis Japan、King Gnu、KOH+ら なにわ男子がゆずと共演などコラボ企画続報も

