

[快訊] 日本老牌歌手谷村新司病逝,享壽74歲





According to Japanese media, Japanese singer Shinji Tanimura (谷村新司) died of illness at 74.

In 1971, Tanimura formed the folk group "ALICE" (アリス) with Takao Horiuchi (堀内孝雄) and Tooru Yazawa (矢沢透). He also acted as a solo singer. One of his famous song is "Subaru / 昴". This beautiful song has been covered by singers from different countries, including various Taiwanese singers like Teresa Teng (鄧麗君), Fong Fei-fei (鳳飛飛), and Chris Hung (洪榮宏). And his song "Fushi kandan / 風姿花伝", the theme song  for the anime "Three Kingdoms" became well known because of the popularity of the anime.

Tanimura is a pioneer for the  cultural interaction between Japan and China. Since 1980s, he held several concerts in China and had a great influence on local musicians.  He was a professor in Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where he taught knowledge of popular music. He was also invited by Chinese government to serve as the goodwill ambassador of the Shanghai World Expo.

As an iconic singer in Japan, Tanimura participated in the "Red and White Song Battle / Kohaku" for many times. In 2002's Kohaku, he sang the song "Subaru" and accompanied by the erhu performer Min Chen (陳敏). His rival in that year was Miyuki Nakajima, who made her debut in Kokaku and sang the song "Earthly Stars / 地上の星".

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