

[快訊] 中島美雪最後巡迴演唱會「結果ALL RIGHT」官方網站正式上線


中島美雪歌唱生涯最後一場日本全國巡迴演唱會「結果ALL RIGHT」(結果オーライ)官方網站正式上線了。在首頁照片上,列出了歷年巡迴演唱會的海報,果真是濃濃的告別味。但是,美雪還沒有要封麥喔!只是以後的演唱會,只會在幾個日本大城市舉行了。



The official web site for Miyuki Nakajima's last concert tour in Japan  "The End is All Right"(結果オーライ) has been launched today. On the homepage of the web site,  old posters of previous concerts were displayed. What a farewell to her last one concert tour. However, it doesn't mean that Miyuki will stop her public performance. Instead, her concert will be held in only big Japanese cities.

Currently you can see the schedule of the concert tour on the web site. The web site is also responsible for the general sale of the ticket.   The general sale is a lottery, and your real name will be printed on the ticket. Please wait for the latest news about the general sale.

The information for the ticket sale on the day of the concert will be announced on the web site as well.

中島美雪巡迴演唱會官方網站 / Official web site for the concert tour:
中島みゆき 2020 ラスト・ツアー「結果オーライ」特設ページ

