鮮少出現在公眾視線的中島美雪,最近又被日本記者捕捉到啦!帶著口罩,腳穿義大利牌子 Rucoline的球鞋,身上背著大包小包的美雪,被人認出似乎很驚訝。記者問她今後的計畫,以及是否有引退的打算。
Miyuki Nakajima, who rarely appears in public, was recently captured by the Japanese media again. She had a facial mask on her face and was carrying lots of bags, wearing Italian Rucoline sneakers. She seemed very surprised to be recognized by people. The journalist asked her about her future plans and whether she was planning to retire.
The 70-year-old has not appeared in public since her last tour concert two years ago. Therefore there are rumors of her retirement. In addition, Takuro Yoshida (吉田拓郎), whom she sees as her idol, has announced his retirement from music activities by the end of this year. People wonder if Nakajima will follow his steps.
Nakajiama laughed when she heard of the rumors of her retirement. She answered that she has no intention to retire, and a concert is scheduled. She is also working on her new album.
It''s great to see that Miyuki is still full of energy.
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