

[快訊] 史上最快,中島美雪新單曲「心音」甫發行即上日本串流





YAMAHA announced that Miyuki Nakajima's new single "In the Core of My Heart / 心音" and the previous single "As One / 俱に", are available on various Japanese music streaming services, just in 2 weeks after the release of the new single. With the old singles launched last year, now you can listen to all of 94 songs from Nakajima's singles on the internet.

"In the Core of My Heart / 心音" is the theme song for the anime film "Alice and Therese's Illusion factory" (アリスとテレスのまぼろし工場). This is the 1st time for Nakajima to write or sing a song for anime. Because of this, she got a chance to meet the new audiences. That's why she agreed to launch her new songs on the internet so quickly.

However, these songs are only available in Japanese market. For users outside Japan, you need to use a VPN service to access these streaming services. For users in Taiwan, you can listen to some albums from Nakajiama on the Taiwanese streaming services  legally.

In addition, the soundtrack of the movie "Alice and Therese's Illusion factory" is also available on the Taiwanese streaming services, including the theme song sung by Nakajima.

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