既然是第二本詩集,那麼第一本詩集在哪裡呢?中島美雪的第一本詩集,是20年前出版的「Winter Garden」,收錄了2000年夜會演唱會「Winter Garden」中表演的歌詞和詩作。
According to the latest news from Miyuki Nakajima's official website "Dejinami", Nakjima will publish a new book. The book is a poetry collection, which is entitled "The 2nd poetry collection from Miyuki Nakajima ~ 40 lines of soliloquy".
So this is her 2nd poetry collection. Where is the 1st one? The 1st poetry collection from Miyuki Nakajima is the book "Winter Garden" published 20 years ago. The book collected lyrics and poems from Yakai Concert with the same title, which was held in 2000 .
The new poetry collection will be published by TENRIKYO DOYUSHA, a Japanese publishing company, and be available on October 1.
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