

[快訊] NHK紅白歌唱大賽歌單公佈,島津亞矢再唱美雪歌,竹內瑪利亞初出場

By Diego Castanho - Corel Draw 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link



Yesterday NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) announced the song list for "Red & White Song Battle" (NHK紅白歌合戦), an annual TV show for the New Year's Eve. Aya Shimazu (島津亜矢), a famous Enka singer in Japan, will sing the song "Threads" (糸), a hit from  Miyuki Nakajima (中島みゆき). It will be her 6th appearance on the show. In her last year's appearance on the same show, she also sang the song "Time goes around" (時代), another hit from Nakajima, and received a very good reaction.

In addition, Yumi Matsutoya (松任谷由実) and Mariya Takeuchi (竹内まりや),   two famous female song writer and singer who enjoy the same popularity with Miyuki Nakajima, will appear in "Red & White Song Battle" as special guests. It will be the 4th appearance for Matsutoya and the 1st for Takeuchi.  At this point, three most influential female song writers from "New Music Era" of Japan will have all appeared on this show. Miyuki Nakajima used to appear on this show for two times.

消息來源 / Source:
  1. 「第70回NHK紅白歌合戦」全員演出歌單正式公開!
  2. 第70回NHK紅白歌合戦 - 出場歌手・曲目

